Publications, posters, and conference abstracts
Aubin Michalon, Lionel Renaud, Matthias Machacek, Cédric Cortijo, Chandrasekhar Udata, Michele F. Mercuri, Fabian Buller, Christoph Hock, Roger M. Nitsch, Peter C. Kahr, Jan Grimm
Prediction of Cardiac ATTR Depletion by NI006 (ALXN2220) Using Mechanistic PK/PD ModelingFederico Bolognani, Annelieke C. Kruithof, Pascal Schulthess, Matthias Machacek, Marieke L. de Kam, Kirsten R. Bergmann, Max van Gent, Matthijs Moerland, Pascal Crenn, Gérard Greig and Pim Gal
Characterization of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile of apraglutide, a glucagon-like peptide-2 analog, in healthy volunteersJournal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 386 (2), 129-137
Matthias Machacek, Elena Garcia-Montoya, Peter McColgan, Patricia Sanwald-Ducray, Norman Alan Mazer
NfL concentration in CSF is a quantitative marker of the rate of neurodegeneration in aging and Huntington's disease: a semi-mechanistic model-based analysisFrontiers in Neuroscience 18 - 2024, 1420198
J. Vollmer, M. Machacek, N. Dunkel, J. Quevedo, P. Kousignian, A. Santerre-Henriksen
Adaptation posologique du cefepime/enmetazobactam selon la fonction rénale chez les patients souffrant d'infections urinaires compliquéesMédecine et Maladies Infectieuses Formation 3 (2), S31-S32, 2024
A Michalon , L Renaud, M Machacek, C Udata , M Mercuri , C Hock , R Nitsch, J Grimm
Prediction of cardiac ATTR depletion by ALXN2220 using mechanistic PK/PD modelingpresented at ePosters in basic science 3, Heart Failure, 11-14 May, 2024
Norman A Mazer, MD, PhD, Dominik Lott, PhD, Hans Peter Grimm, PhD, Matthias Machacek, PhD, Frank Boess, PhD, Ronald Gieschke, MD, Gregory Klein, PhD, Monika Baudler, PhD and Rachelle S. Doody, MD, PhD
P2-060 - Re-estimation of drug-specific amyloid removal parameters and the rate constant for pathogenic tau turnover brings the Q-ATN model into better alignment with recent phase 3 data from gantenerumab and lecanemabJ. Quevedo, N. Dunkel, A. Belley, P. Velicitat, M. Machacek, A. Santerre Henriksen, J. Vollmer
Probability of Target Attainment of Cefepime/Enmetazobactam in Patients with Complicated Urinary Tract Infections or Acute PyelonephritisPoster 02214, presented at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) 2023.
J. Quevedo, N. Dunkel, A. Belley, P. Velicitat, M. Machacek, A. Santerre Henriksen, J. Vollmer
Probability of Target Attainment of Cefepime/Enmetazobactam to Support Dose Selection for the Treatment of Pulmonary InfectionsPoster 02202, presented at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) 2023.
Link to publicationJannik Vollmer, Ph.D, Adam Belley, PhD, Patrick Velicitat, MD, Matthias Machacek, Ph.D
Population pharmacokinetic models for cefepime and enmetazobactam derived from pooled Phase 1 to Phase 3 clinical studiesOpen Forum Infectious Diseases, Volume 10, Issue Supplement_2, December 2023,
ofad500.2147 -
Bolognani, Federico; Machacek, Matthias; Kruithof, Annelieke; de Kam, Marieke; Bergmann, Kirsten; van Gent, Max; Moerland, Matthias; Crenn, Pascal; Meyer, Christian; Greig, Gerard; Gal, Pim; Schulthess, Pascal
Population Model Confirms Predictable Pharmacokinetic (PK) And Pharmacodynamic (PD) Profile for Apraglutide: Data From Two Randomized Phase 1 Studies -
Manuela Aleku, Simon Chivers, Hendrik Gille, Matthias Machacek, Pascal Schulthess, Nadine Roeder, David Rider
Non-clinical safety of SLN124, a galnac conjugated 19-mer double-stranded siRNA targeting TMPRSS6 facilitating evaluation in clinical studiesPreclinical siRNA PK/PD modelling for first in human dose prediction.
EHA2021 Virtual Congress. June 9–17.
Federico Bolognani, Matthias Machacek, Annelieke Kruithof, Marieke L de Kam, Kirsten Bergmann, Max van Gent, Matthijs Moerland, Pascal Crenn, Christian Meyer, Gerard Greig, Pim Gal, Pascal Schulthess.
Population model confirms predictable pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) profile for apraglutide-data from two randomized phase 1 studiesGastroenterology, 160(6), S-738, 2021.
Kenji Hashimoto; Andrew J. Pierce; Albert Chau; Phillip Bartlett; Peter Lloyd; Mark Maginn; Matthias Machacek; Jannik Vollmer; Sultanah Rajbally; Julia Tilson; Phil Bland-Ward
A phase I open-label, dose escalation and expansion trial to investigate the safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of CB307, a trispecific Humabody T-cell enhancer, in patients with PSMA+ advanced and/or metastatic solid tumors (POTENTIA)Cancer Res (2021) 81 (13_Supplement): CT206.
Kenji Hashimoto, Andrew J Pierce, Albert Chau, Sophie Archer, Phillip Bartlett, Peter Lloyd, Mark Maginn, Matthias Machacek, Jannik Vollmer, Sultanah Rajbally, Julia Tilson, Philip Bland-Ward
A Phase 1 Open-Label, Dose Escalation and Expansion Trial to Investigate the Safety, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of CB307, a Trispecific Humabody® T-cell Enhancer, in Patients with PSMA+ Advanced and/or Metastatic Solid Tumors (POTENTIA) -
Caruso A, Vollmer J, Machacek M, Kortvely E.
Modeling the activation of the alternative complement pathway and its effects on hemolysis in health and disease.PLOS Computational Biology. 2020, 16 (10), e1008139.
Renaud L, Lebozec K, Voors-Pette C, Dogterom P, Billiald P, Jandrot-Perrus M, Pletan Y, Machacek M
Population PK/PD modelling of glenzocimab (ACT017) a glycoprotein VI inhibitor of collagen induced platelet aggregationJournal of Clinical Pharmacology. 60(9) 1198–1208, 2020.
Bernhard F, Odedra R, Sordello S, Cardin R, Franzoni S, Charrier C, Belley A, Warn P, Machacek M
Pharmacokinetics-Pharmacodynamics of Enmetazobactam Combined with Cefepime in a Neutropenic Murine Thigh Infection Model.64(6), e00078-20, 2020.
F Bolognani, P Gal, M Moerland, A Kruithof, M van Gent, P Schulthess, M Machacek, G Greig, L Santarelli, C Meyer.
The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic relationship between apraglutide and citrulline: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study in healthy volunteers -
Voors-Pette C, Lebozec K, Dogterom P, Jullien L, Billiald P, Ferlan P, Renaud L, Favre-Bulle O, Avenard G, Machacek M, Plétan Y, Jandrot-Perrus M.
Safety and Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics of ACT017, an Antiplatelet GPVI (Glycoprotein VI) Fab.Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 39:956–964, 2019.
Griffiths K, Binder U, McDowell W, Tommasi R, Frigerio M, Darby WG, Hosking CG, Renaud L, Machacek M, Lloyd P, Skerra A, Foley M.
Half-life extension and non-human primate pharmacokinetic safety studies of i-body AD-114 targeting human CXCR4MAbs. doi: 10.1080/19420862.2019.1626652. 2019.
Machacek M, Renaud L, Enderlin-Paput M, Kohl C, Seiler P.
Levofloxacin PK/PD in a mouse model of complicated urinary tract infection and its translation to clinical response using a mechanistic model of bacterial kill kinetics.ECCMID, P2127, 2019.
Machacek M, Renaud L, Kohl C, Vercauteren M, Remen L, Welford R.
A Systems Pharmacology model of peripheral serotonin production proposing two different synthesis compartments with markedly different release rates into blood.PAGE 27, Abstr 8470, 2018.
Rotolo JA, Ramirez RA, Schuch R, Machacek M, Khariton T, Ghahramani P, Wittekind M
PK-PD Driver of Efficacy for CF-301, a Novel Anti-Staphylococcal Lysin: Implications for Human Target Dose.ASM Microbe 2016, June 18.
Keilholz U, Rohde L, Mehlitz P, Knoedler M, Schmittel A, Kümmerlen V, Klinghammer K, Treasure P, Lassus M, Steventon G, Machacek M, Utku N.
First-in-man dose escalation and pharmacokinetic study of CAP7.1, a novel prodrug of etoposide, in adults with refractory solid tumours.European Journal of Cancer. 80:14-25, 2017.
Krause A, Machacek M, Lott D, Hurst N, Bruderer S, Dingemanse J.
Population Modeling of Selexipag Pharmacokinetics and Clinical Response Parameters in Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology. 6 (7): 477-485, 2017.
Machacek M, Renaud L, Wach A, Zwingelstein C, Beni L, Dale GE
Population pharmacokinetics modeling of murepavidin (POL7080) and simulation of target attainment in a population with ventilator-associated pneumonia due to infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosaAbstr. 2729. 27th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), April 22-25, Vienna, Austria.
Machacek M, Renaud L, Dimitrijevic S, Schmitz D, Ivanova E, Jorga K.
Population pharmacokinetics of PQR309, a dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor in adult patients with advanced solid tumors.J Clin Oncol 34, 2016 (suppl; abstr e14101).
Machacek M, Pape UF, Keilholz U, Sinn M, Kasper S, Meiler J, Vogel A, Mueller L, Caca K, Kuhlmann J, Burkhard O, Laval VR, Glyn Steventon, Utku N, Jansen H.
Population pharmacokinetics of CAP7.1 and the effect on total target lesion size in adult patients with biliary tract cancer.J Clin Oncol 34, 2016 (suppl; abstr e15602).
Rich P, (..), Machacek M, Papavassilis C.
Secukinumab induction and maintenance therapy in moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase II regimen-finding study.Br J Dermatol, 168(2):402–411, 2013.